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Stream the Video and Audio LIVE on K-TIMe of the La Grange High School Graduation – Class of 2018 starting at 7:45 PM on May 31, 2018!

NOTE: To watch the live video for this Event (or just listen to the audio), come back at the event start time and click the above button link (and then the TV icon next to your event) to live-stream the VIDEO portion of the event on your computer, tablet, or smartphone; (or the speaker icon next to your event to live-stream the AUDIO portion of the event on your device). (You can also hear the LIVE audio of today’s event via the K-TIMe TuneIn App or the TuneIn Player on the K-TIMe website, and live on-air at KTIM 89.1 FM.)

Once the event broadcast has been completed, if you would like to VIEW (or simply listen to) a portion or all of the event again, select the above link, and this time, select the ON DEMAND tab from the KTIM portal page, and then click the TV icon for this event (to view the video) or click the speaker icon (to just listen to the audio).

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