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The Schulenburg Shorthorns boys basketball team (12-14), who have been trying to dig out of their season opening 1-9 hole since December, suddenly can see light in the 28-2A race, with help from Shiner, who upset Bloomington Tuesday.

The Horns now control their own 28-2A destiny, tied with the Indians for the league lead at (5-1). But Weimar (9-12)(2-5) certainly would love to spoil their plans, and the Wildcats are in town to battle the Shorthorns tonight! Pregame starts at approximately 7:30 PM (after completion of the girls’ game) on Live HD Video via KTIM.org!

If the Shorthorns win tonight, they must then navigate the final gauntlet—at Bloomington, Home vs Shiner, and away at Flatonia, before ending their season (2/13) with these same Wildcats in Weimar.

K-TIMe – The Only Place to Watch the Shorthorns Play!

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